For the last series of the Now Show, Jerry Peal, David Thomas and I have been working really hard to make it work as a Live show. Jerry records all the presenters and mixes the show...from his studio, and David and I record up-to about 500 audience members live,
We do all this on a Thursday from about 3:30 pm (its we have to record at the last possible moment) with the knowledge that if a story changes overnight..we can re record!
It's then a bit of a race against time for David and I to edit the audience, removing dog barks, delivery drivers, arguments, wine bottles and people typing emails....(Please Please Please ..if you are ever in a virtual audience...Dont Type Emails! ...rant over!!!)
We generally get sorted by about midnight.
Then it's over to Pete and Dave on Friday to edit it , add FX and mix it. We need to deliver by 5PM so its quite a pressure. But I think we all enjoy that bit of an edge!
Here is a wee video
showing what we do!